For a new business, one of the very early needs is to set up a business website. The business website is the identity and the frontline salesperson for the business on the internet. Setting up the business website entails decisions regarding choosing the right business domain name (url), buying the domain, deciding how/where to host it and finally creating and maintaining an impressive website with relevant and engaging content. InfinCE assists you through this entire journey. Read on for more details.
Domain Purchase
While signing up for InfinCE (paid plan), you are given the option to buy and host your business domain (InfinCE enables this through integration with a reliable, third party domain name registrar). The system suggests available options for your domain name based on your business name. You could choose from that list, or look for your choice, or our Consultant could help you finalise on the best one for your needs and budget. So when you finish signing up for InfinCE, your domain purchase and hosting are automatically taken care of!
Domain Hosting
If you had already bought your domain name before signing up for InfinCE, you could continue that way and opt to set up and maintain your website on InfinCE. But, if you wish to move your domain (DNS) management to InfinCE; contact us and one of our Consultants could help you with this. This could help you manage all your website assets in one place.
As a user with Administrative privileges, you would be able to manage your domain (DNS) from the Administration > Settings > DNS screen. On this screen you can view all the DNS records associated with your website hosting, add new ones and modify them later.

Click on the “Add DNS Records” to add a new DNS record. Select the DNS type, name, TTL, IPv4 address and click on the “Submit” button.
Adding DNS record