Creating and Managing Dashboard and Tiles

Dashboards are great tools for collaboration. A Dashboard is an information management tool that can visually track and analyze what is happening in the business. Dashboards can be set up for the Organization, Organizational Units, and Teams. Users can also keep Private dashboards for individual purposes. It is also a great tool for organizational communication and information sharing.

Tiles are the individual information snippets/cards that are the building blocks of the Dashboard. Users can often customize and arrange dashboard tiles based on their preferences, focusing on the most crucial information for their needs.

Creating a new Dashboard

Click the Dashboards menu and the + New Dashboard button to create a new dashboard.

Dashboards menu

In the Create New Dashboard pop-up, enter the name and description of the dashboard and click the Submit button.

Creating a new Dashboard

Creating a new Tile

Click on the +Add Tiles button to add tiles to the created dashboard.

Adding tiles to Dashboard

You may add tiles by clicking the three dots (kebab) icon and the Add new tiles option.

Adding tiles from Dashboard Settings

The All Tiles pop-up appears, where you may click on the +Add button on the required tiles to add the tile to the Dashboard. Click on the Done button to close the All Tiles pop-up.

Adding tiles to Dashboard

The added tile will be displayed on the Dashboard.

Tile added to the Dashboard 

Renaming the tile

Click the three dots/Manage icon and the Rename option to rename the tile name. Click on the Submit button to save the changes made.

Renaming the tile

 Removing the tile

Click the three dots/Manage icon and the Remove option to remove the tile. A confirmation message will appear, and you may click the ‘Yes’ button.

Removing tile instance

Tile Settings

Click the three dots/Manage icon and the Settings option to view the tile settings. 

The About tab displays the basic information of the tile, such as created by, updated by, etc.

Tile Settings

In the Permissions tab, you may provide Edit permissions for the tile to individual users or groups with access to this dashboard.

Setting permissions for the tile

In the Social Interactions tab, enabling the Like and Comments feature for the tile is possible so the dashboard users can react to the tile content.

Social Interactions

Refresh Frequency

This option is available only for Custom Tiles and lets you set the frequency for refreshing the cache with real-time data.

 Refresh frequency

Sharing Dashboard

Click the Dashboard Settings icon (three dots icon) and the Share option to share the dashboard with the entire organization/selected groups. 

  • If the user is an Organizational Unit Member, they can share it with his OU. Tick the ‘Organization’ option and click on the Submit button to share the dashboard within the organization.
Sharing Dashboard with the organization
  • If the user is a Team Admin, they can share it with his team. Tick the ‘Teams’ option, select the team from the drop-down, and click the Submit button to share the dashboard within a team.
Sharing Dashboard with a team
  • If the user is a Department Admin, they can share it with his department. Tick the ‘Department’ option, select the department from the drop-down menu and click the Submit button to share the dashboard with a department.
Sharing Dashboard with the selected departments
  • If dashboard sharing is removed, then this dashboard will become a private dashboard and will not be accessible to anyone else except the user who created it.  

Editing the Dashboard

To edit the dashboard name or description, click the Dashboard Settings icon (three dots icon) and click the Edit option.

In the Edit Dashboard pop-up, edit the name and description of the dashboard.

Dashboard Info

To view the Dashboard Info, click the Dashboard Settings icon (three dots icon) and the Dashboard Info option.

You may view the user who has created and shared the Dashboard.

Deleting the Dashboard

To delete the Dashboard, click the Dashboard Settings icon (three dots icon) and then the Delete this Dashboard option.

A confirmation message appears, where you may click on the Yes button to delete the Dashboard.

Resizing and rearranging the tiles

You can resize the tiles by clicking the arrow at the bottom of the tile.

You can rearrange the tiles by holding on to the tile header area and dragging them to the required space.

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